Portfolio Information

  • Project Name : Forward Forklifts Website Design and Development, Paid Advertising (ppc)
  • Category : Web Design, Paid Advertising, Google PPC
  • Client : Forward Forklifts
  • Complete Date : August 2023

Forward Forklifts – Website Design, Paid Advertising

Successfully Building a Dynamic Website for Forward Forklifts

Project Overview: We embarked on an exciting project in collaboration with Forward Forklifts, a leading provider of forklift training, hire, and maintenance services. The primary goal was to design and develop a professional website that not only showcased their expertise but also generated a consistent stream of inquiries and leads, with a primary focus on promoting their comprehensive forklift training offerings.

Client Background: Forward Forklifts is a trusted name in the industry, known for its excellence in forklift services. They approached our marketing company to create a website that would not only reflect their professionalism but also serve as a valuable tool for attracting new clients and expanding their training division.

Project Goals:

  1. Online Representation: Established a strong online presence for Forward Forklifts, positioning them as a go-to source for forklift training solutions.
  2. User-Centric Design: Developed a user-friendly website that provided an intuitive and informative experience for visitors, emphasizing Forward Forklifts’ dedication to training excellence.
  3. Training Focus: Highlighted Forward Forklifts’ comprehensive forklift training programs, certifications, and benefits, driving inquiries from individuals and companies seeking high-quality training.
  4. Lead Generation: Implemented lead capture mechanisms, such as contact forms and call-to-action buttons, to generate inquiries and leads for training, hire, and maintenance services.
  5. Responsive Design: Ensured the website was fully responsive, adapting seamlessly to various devices and screen sizes for a consistent user experience.

Project Deliverables:

  1. Website Design: Crafted a visually appealing and professional website design that mirrored Forward Forklifts’ identity and prominence in the forklift industry.
  2. Content Creation: Developed compelling, informative, and SEO-optimized content that educated visitors about Forward Forklifts’ training programs and service offerings.
  3. Custom Features: Incorporated custom features like enquiry forms for training, hire and maintenance service descriptions to engage visitors and drive enquiries.
  4. Content Management System (CMS): Implemented a user-friendly CMS, enabling Forward Forklifts to easily update and manage website content.
  5. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimized the website for search engines to improve visibility and organic traffic.
  6. Mobile Optimization: Ensured the website performed seamlessly on mobile devices to reach a broader audience.

Project Timeline: The project was executed in multiple phases, with successful completion on August 2023

Phase 1: Planning and Research

  • Project Kickoff and Requirement Gathering
  • Market Research and Competitor Analysis
  • Defining Information Architecture
  • Content Strategy and Keyword Research

Phase 2: Design and Development

  • Visual Design and Branding
  • Front-End and Back-End Development
  • Content Creation and Integration
  • Testing and Quality Assurance

Phase 3: Launch and Optimization


  • Final Review and Client Approval
  • Website Launch and Deployment
  • Post-Launch Testing and Bug Fixing
  • SEO Optimization and Performance Monitoring
  • Client Training on CMS Usage

Project Outcome: Upon project completion, Forward Forklifts had a dynamic website that not only showcased their forklift training expertise but also served as a lead-generation tool for their training, hire and maintenance services. This website empowered Forward Forklifts to expand their reach and strengthen their position as a trusted partner in the forklift industry. The positive impact of this project on Forward Forklifts’ growth and success has been realized, and we continue to support their online presence and business objectives.

To View Forward Forklifts Website click here – www.forkliftuk.com

If Website Design and Development is something you are looking into check out our page on it and also get in touch using one of our online forms – https://ab-digitalmarketing.co.uk/social-media-marketing/

Ongoing Work: Google Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

Description: Our ongoing partnership with Forward Forklifts includes a comprehensive Google PPC advertising strategy. We manage ad campaigns, keyword optimization, and budgets to drive targeted traffic and maximize ROI. Our aim is to boost enquiries and leads for Forward Forklifts’ services.

First Few Months Update: In the initial months of our Google PPC advertising campaign, we achieved outstanding results. Click-through rates (CTR) increased significantly, driving a surge in relevant traffic to Forward Forklifts’ website. The number of inquiries and leads has surpassed expectations, resulting in a highly successful start to our paid advertising efforts. We’re excited to continue optimizing and delivering exceptional outcomes

If Paid Advertising – Google Pay Per Click (ppc) is something you are looking into check out our page on it and also get in touch using one of our online forms – https://ab-digitalmarketing.co.uk/pay-per-click-ppc/

Managing Director – Chas – Forward Forklifts said – “A Massive thankyou to the lads at AB, for creating me a brand new website which looks really professional and has all the information on it that we required! When sitting down with the AB team i had a desired goal and outcome of generating more leads and conversions through our website. The lads provided me with a structured and detailed marketing strategy and the results have been far beyond what i expected. We cannot thank AB enough for all there hard work. Great work AB highly recommend”


Here at AB Digital Marketing we are absolutely thrilled with the outcomes of our collaboration with Forward Forklifts. The successful development of their dynamic website, coupled with our ongoing Google PPC advertising efforts, has been a game-changer for their business.

Our website has not only showcased their expertise but also generated a consistent flow of enquiries and leads. The Google PPC campaign’s initial months have exceeded our expectations, driving substantial traffic and enquiries.

we are incredibly satisfied with the project’s achievements thus far, and I am eagerly looking forward to the continued success of our partnership. Forward Forklifts is poised for remarkable growth in their industry, and I am excited to be part of their journey towards even greater success.


If you wish to discuss anything digital marketing then please get in touch with us – https://ab-digitalmarketing.co.uk/contact-us/

Alternatively, Email us at info@ab-digitalmarketing.co.uk